For our Kick-Off on Monday, Mrs. Bartkiewicz decorated the foyer with balloons and, during the day, gave each student a FREE, brand-new book (sponsored by our PTO)!
On Tuesday we hosted a Pop and Swap: students were welcome to "pop" in after school to trade their used books for different ones. Once again our PTO stepped up and provided some "pop"ular refreshments (Popsicles and popcorn) and many "pop"ular games (pop-o-matic favorite Headache, along with others that fit in with the theme).
Wednesday started off with a sing-along led by our music teacher, Mrs. Sherman. As part of the song, the students learned how to say "hello" in many different languages.
On Wednesday we also enjoyed some very special visitors. First, students from Chariho High School were guest readers in each classroom (and even in the library!). I was thrilled when some of my former students stopped by to say hello before they had to leave. While the high schoolers boarded their bus to return to the high school, our Ashaway School adventures continued. We headed to the gym where we were all amazed by the illusionist David Garrity, who has entertained audiences around the world. His pro-reading message was very effective, and my entire display of magic and optical illusion books was completely cleaned out in two days!
On Thursday we invited our students' families to join us for a Family Read-In. It was lovely to see students and grown-ups sharing some wonderful books and taking turns reading aloud. This fun event concluded with selected students sharing a poem, song, or excerpt from a book pertaining to the "Travel the World" theme.
Friday's festivities began with an announcement over the intercom: "May I have your attention please. This is Captain Morrone speaking. I'd like to thank you for flying with Ashaway Airlines today, and I hope you enjoy your trip around the world!" Each class was representing a country and had created a display outside the classroom. I was really impressed by all the hard work that went into each display. Many students had come to the library during their free time to do research on the countries they were studying, and I know a lot of time was spent on the projects at home and in the classrooms as well. Throughout the morning, all the students got to "travel the world" by visiting each country. They even had passports and could receive a stamp at each destination!
To see lots more pictures, please visit the school's picture gallery by clicking on this link: