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Friday, October 15, 2010

Brand-New Book Borrowers!

Mrs. Smith's morning kindergarten class was very excited to borrow books from the library for the very first time this week! (The afternoon class is on Monday, so they will take books home for the first time next week.) We have been spending a lot of time talking about all the things we can do take care of books, and now they are experts! Go ahead and ask a kindergartner:
  • How should we turn a page in a book?
  • How should we save our place in a book so we can finish it later?
  • How should we carry a book?
  • What you should do if you find a rip in your library book?

I'll be back with the answers next week! (Maybe I can get some of the afternoon kindergarten students to help me...)

One of the most important good habits we talked about was having a special place for library books at home so they don't get lost or damaged. The students created posters to show me where their special places are, and we will share them with the whole class next week!