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Friday, December 13, 2013

The Many "Phases" of Research!

Our first graders have been learning about the steps we follow when doing research.  We started off by reading Eric Carle's Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me.  The story is about a little girl who wants to play with the moon.  Her father climbs a long, long ladder into the sky and then waits for the moon to become small enough to take with him back to Earth.  Our first graders have been learning about the difference between fiction and nonfiction, and they were quick to point out that a ladder couldn't really reach the moon, and the moon would never really get small enough for a man to carry it in his hands.  They did wonder why the moon appears to change shape in the sky, though, and thus began our research project!

The books we used to find information!

We spent part of one library class beginning a "KWL" chart.  In the first column we recorded what they already Know about the moon, and in the second column we wrote What they wanted to learn.  The third column, what they Learned, would be filled in over the course of the next few weeks.  I began modelling for them how to locate the "treasure words", or useful information, and they followed my example on their own note sheets. 

Students discuss what to record in their notes

Both classes are now working on their final project: a book illustrated by the students using MicroSoft Paint!  I demonstrated the basic tools using the SmartBoard, and then the students took turns on the computers.  Thanks to the support of some fabulous fourth grade volunteers, the first graders had lots of help as they explored the program.  They loved "painting" on the screen, and I can't wait to see their excitement when we share their work on the SmartBoard in January!

Thank you, fourth grade helpers!!!

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