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Thursday, December 19, 2013

First to Finish!

Back in September I wrote about my challenge to the fourth graders to read at least five of the Rhode Island Children's Book Award nominees.  (Click here to see the post!)  This week, not one but two of them finished reading all fifteen books that I bought for our library!  That means they will both be presented with a "Champion Reader" medal at the Rooster Games in the spring!

Mia and Nathan have been engaged in a friendly competition to see who would finish first.  As it happens, it was a tie!  That's because Mrs. Young was reading the book Wonder aloud to their reading class, and that was the last book for the both of them.  Don't you love a happy ending?  :)

Nathan and Mia point to their rows on the poster, which are completely filled with stars!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of these two readers! Thank you Mrs. Mann.
