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Friday, February 17, 2012

Frames, Flags and Fun!

Our school has been implementing the strategies outlined in Writing in Science by Betsy Rupp Fulwiler for two years now, and our science scores have been going up and UP!  While we might not be conducting science experiments in the specials classes, we have all made efforts to support what is happening in the classrooms. One of the strategies we have been using with students is to emphasize looking for supporting details within a response.  Along the way, we encourage the student to use a "frame" to ensure that they do this.  For example, "I think _______ because ________".  By using this language, the students are compelled to cite evidence that proves their responses are logical, and they also gain a deeper understanding of the subject at hand.

Our reading specialist, Mrs. Bartkiewicz, created "flags" that say  I predict and Because to provide a visual cue to students when they are sharing their ideas with the class.  I added an I think prop to use during book discussions in the library.  They worked wonderful well, and I admit I enjoyed holding up and waving the Because flag if a student forgot to provide evidence for an observation!  Each time I did so, the student would just grin and then provide a more complete response.  The first time I used them with a fourth grade class I mentioned that I felt like a cheerleader as I waved them around, and one student surprised me by inventing his own "cheer" for the library!  

Yes, of course I caught it on video!

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