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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Zoo You Know Who I Am?

A few weeks ago I wrote about the first graders' zoo research project, which they conducted with the help of their fourth grade research buddies.  In the past, the first graders would use the information they recorded to write a report, but this year we decided to try something new!  Mrs. Ward, librarian at Richmond School, has her first graders use their research to write clues for a project she calls Zoo You Know Who I Am?  We had our first graders write their clues during the school day, and a group of fourth graders volunteered to stay after school to turn them into PowerPoint presentations. 

On Thursday the entire first grade came to the library to use the SmartBoard for our Zoo Am I? game show!  Each time the first grader tapped the board a new clue would appear, and the presenter would choose a student to make a guess.  Mrs. Austin even brought a prize box for the winners!

If you'd like to try out a game for yourself, here they are!