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Sunday, June 26, 2011

One World, Many Stories!

Happy summer, everyone!  I just wanted to remind you all of the summer reading program, going on now at your local public library!  It's free to sign up, and children can earn prizes by keeping track of the books that they read.  You should also stop by or call to find out what fun programs are being offered over the summer...all for FREE!

During the last week of school, the Ashaway School students designed some beautiful bookmarks, and I brought them all to the Ashaway Free Library.  They are now proudly on display on the circulation desk.  I challenged them to create a design that goes with the summer reading theme, One World, Many Stories.  Anyone who visits the library is welcome to take one.  Please stop in to see their work and pick up one for yourself!
Our students' bookmarks are on display at the Ashaway Free Library!