Ashaway School families enjoyed another week full of fun during this year's "No Time for TV Week"! I received participation forms back from
over half of our student population as of Friday, and I'm sure a few more will trickle in once the kids start seeing the prizes getting handed out next week!
Our ten lucky Scholastic Books Gift Certificate winners! |
I really enjoyed reading through the forms to see what activities were added to the standard suggestions. Write-ins included riding dirt bikes, playing math games, skate boarding, playing with Legos, going to the beach, fishing, swimming, jumping on a trampoline, gardening, yoga, kayaking, canoing, playing Twister, horseback riding, doing magic (cool!), going on a hay ride, knitting, Ashaway's Family Fun Day activities (mini-golf was especially popular!), practicing the guitar, playing kickball, playing in the sprinkler, playing chess, playing badminton, flying a kite, practicing karate, cooking dinner, using Playdough, playing with and taking care of bunnies (awww!), visiting the public library (WOOHOO!), playing baseball, playing basketball, four wheeling, and, one of my all-time favorites when I was a kid: playing in the mud!
Another special event that many participated in was our first-ever geocaching program! We had over 25 kids and 15 adults come to the workshop on Wednesday to learn all about it. Fourth grader Gabrielle Macaruso did an independent study on the topic throughout the year and prepared the presentation as her culminating activity. She shared a
lot of great information, and I jumped in to comment on some aspects of geocaching that she hasn't experienced yet. It was a lot of fun to share what we know with so many "muggles" (non-geocachers)!
Gabrielle instructing an interested bunch of "muggles". |
Then came the hands-on part: a geocaching "field trip" to the Westerly Town Forest! We had so many people join us for the workshop that I offered three different excursions so the trails wouldn't be too crowded! The turnout was fantastic, and it was a joy to see the families outside and enjoying the beautiful day.
Into the woods! |
Found it! Signing the log and swapping trinkets, or "swag". |
I wonder who put a purple button in that cache? (Yeah, it was me!) |
(If you missed the geocaching workshop, you can still learn about this engaging activity by visiting You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions!)
As always, a very special thanks to the Ashaway School PTO.
It is with their support that I can offer the motivating prizes
and Scholastic Books gift certificates! I so very much
appreciate all their hard work on behalf of our students!!