Friday, February 26, 2016

Who Would YOU Vote for?

No, I'm not talking about the presidential election!  The end of February is when the students get to vote for their favorite Rhode Island Children's Book Award nominee!  They need to read at least 3 of the 20 books on the list to qualify to vote. (Visit the RICBA blog to learn more about the books, the award, and more!)  

How's a girl to choose???

As usual, some of the students struggled to pick just one title!  This fourth grader was having such a difficult time making a selection that she asked if she could take some time to think it over!  She filled in her ballot the following week.  No worries, there was still time before the results were due back to the committee!

The winning book won't be announced until all the votes from students across the state have been tallied, but at Ashaway School we had a clear winner: El Deafo by Cece Bell!